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Pattern Design

The Shop features a number of current self-published patterns (like Arbors Tee, shown Left), to give an idea of what I can offer, and the style that I wish to continue to develop. I have also contributed to Nomadic Knits (Issue 12; Tahoe Tank) and would love to contribute to other publications!

Knit Pattern Testing

By my last count, I've completed over 40 test-knits for several designers. I'm a regular on yarnpond, and have probably tested the most for Nomadic Knits. I document my projects on ravelry (ID: idlehandsknitsdht)


Test knitters do just that - they test out a pattern (usually, prior to launch or after a re-design) by knitting up a sample, and give feedback about how the pattern flows, point out any errors or issues, etc.

Grammer Editing

Tech Editing Service

Tech editors proof documents - in this case, knitting patterns - and check the language, abbreviations, and format of the pattern. If the job specifies checking the grading as well, the tech editor should be able to do this as well.


I have tech edited a number of knit patterns - mostly for Hannah Mann (dear ingenue designs). Contact me here or through yarnpond if you need help!


Current hourly rate: $25; minimum, 2 hours.

Full Commission Work/ 
Design Service

Custom design is a process that starts with a vision. We work together to line up all the details, agree on a final quote, and then set me to work. The more specific the initial "ask," the less time we spend on consultation and prep.


Like tech editing work, the commission service is billed by the hour; if a project will take more than 25 hours, the consultation is free and I adjust the rate a bit (down) for additional hours. Quotes are transparent; if I run into issues beyond what's agreed in the quote, the fix is on me (because anticipating any challenges is also on me as I prepare the quote).


Inquire for more details.


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